How to plan your wedding in 6 months

how to plan the wedding in 6 months

If time is a tyrant, never fear. Here are all the steps to plan a wedding in 6 months.

Most people take even more than a year to plan their wedding, but if you are in a hurry, know that planning your wedding in 6 months is not a mission impossible. Sure, it will require extra effort, but you can do it.

First, know that planning is everything: you will certainly be ready for your wedding day, as long as you follow a kind of schedule, a step by step to be followed carefully, in order not to find out that at the moment of Yes, you forgot to pick up the wedding rings.

But where to start when planning a wedding in 6 months? From the budget!

How to plan a wedding in 6 months? With planning!

Your first temptation might be to hire a wedding planner to think of everything from the location to the arrangements, via the wedding favors and catering. Sure, great idea, but if your budget doesn't allow it, don't be discouraged.

First, estimate how much you want to spend on the wedding, knowing that planning a simple wedding does not mean settling at all. There are a thousand ways to make your wedding unforgettable, even without opening a mortgage! Once you have determined the amount you can afford, proceed as follows:

6 months in advance - First, choose the location and make sure it fits your wedding theme. Choosing it early will allow you to calmly think about the most appropriate arrangements and color palette to use. As well as to avoid finding it already booked by someone else!

Next, you need to think about the menu, knowing that if the location you choose does not offer kitchen service, you will have to contact a caterer. Also, although it may seem premature, start contacting a photographer: these professionals are always very busy, so if you already have a clear idea of who you want to immortalize the big day, make sure they are available for the date you set.

3 months in advance - This is the time to choose the invitations, which, if they will not be in digital format, you will need to get going as soon as possible. If you have guests coming from out of town, find suitable accommodations and inquire about transportation.

Consult with the florist, choose the favors, and, if you plan to have a band or DJ come in for music, make arrangements. And don't forget about the wedding dress: it may take a while to find the dress that gets you excited, so take your time to look for the right wedding dress for you.

2 months in advance - even if you've already chosen the menu, ask to try it on. You don't want to ruin your reception with a dish that doesn't convince you, right? This is also the right time to choose the wedding rings, have a makeup test, choose the hairstyle and provide accessories, for you and for him.

1 month before - By now, this is it! Prepare the playlist for the band or DJ and let them have it, just as you need to remember to send the location the tableau de marriage. Let's face it, everything is ready now, so devote yourself to organizing the bachelorette party and the refreshments to be offered in your home on the day you leave it to start a new life.

If you proceed in this way, you will be able to organize the wedding in 6 months without any major worries. And when the time comes, remember: what's done is done, so take a deep breath and enjoy your wedding!

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A wedding reportage is the story of a day that will last a lifetime.



and i am a



In addition to being a wedding photographer, I am a husband (lucky!) and a dad (super lucky!).

I love happy tail wags and purring in the evening twilight, which is why we also have two beautiful furries in our family, Octavia and Nova.
I love the smell of the woods where everything is so wild, where you can reconnect deeply with nature. In the same way, I love the only means that allows you to stay firmly connected to the world around you, the motorbike.

My wife Giulia and I travelled across Europe to the North Cape, where we left a piece of our hearts.


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