Mother and daughter wedding photographs

mother and daughter wedding photographs

It is often said that the bride is the real star of a wedding.

And it is hard to argue otherwise! But there is another person who during the course of the day is called to a series of "almost obligatory" appointments, and certainly highly anticipated by the bride.

I am talking about the mother, the backbone of the family, often the first confidante and figure on whom she can rely for any kind of need or problem.

In the course of the day there are at least three moments that I consider fundamental within the wedding photo shoot: let's see what are the mother and daughter wedding photographs!

The Bride's preparation

The moment of preparation is probably my favorite. I find it to be an event within the event: the bride relies almost completely on those present, often ruled by the mother of the bride. The dress, the accessories, the timing and, most importantly, the dressing.

Lo and behold, the wearing of the wedding dress is a laborious process, between buttonholes to be fastened, small buttons, the veil to be secured to complete the hairstyle.

The mother has a real starring role in all this, and it is a huge pleasure for me to be able to portray mother and daughter during those moments of pure complicity, between looks and smiles that need no description.

The Ceremony

The ceremony stage has always been the pinnacle of emotion, both for the bride and groom and for all participants. And among them, the emotion of the mother who accompanied her daughter to this moment is almost impossible to contain.

These are stolen images, photographs of moments where one cannot hold back tears from joy at what one is witnessing.

Best wishes for the future

Just before the dancing and festivities begin, the bride and groom often thank all the guests for being present at their wedding. It is a heartfelt moment that opens to greetings for people who do not intend to stay any longer and gives the green light for friends and the DJ to start the party. And it is a moment where a toast is also thrown by the bride and groom's parents, completing a dream day for all the families involved. The joy in the eyes of the new couple is reciprocated with love and hugs from their parents. Unmissable!

I quickly went over what from my point of view are must-see moments, mother-daughter wedding photographs that cannot be missed within a wedding photo shoot.

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A wedding reportage is the story of a day that will last a lifetime.



and i am a



In addition to being a wedding photographer, I am a husband (lucky!) and a dad (super lucky!).

I love happy tail wags and purring in the evening twilight, which is why we also have two beautiful furries in our family, Octavia and Nova.
I love the smell of the woods where everything is so wild, where you can reconnect deeply with nature. In the same way, I love the only means that allows you to stay firmly connected to the world around you, the motorbike.

My wife Giulia and I travelled across Europe to the North Cape, where we left a piece of our hearts.


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