Symbolic rituals lay weddings: how to add a dash of romance to your wedding

symbolic rituals lay weddings how to add a dash of romance to your wedding

Who said secular weddings and symbolic rites are incompatible? Here are some ideas to make the most important day of your love more evocative.

Are there symbolic rites for secular weddings? The answer is: absolutely yes! Spirituality is something indefinable and everyone has their own. And if for some reason you have chosen not to get married in church, this does not mean that you should limit your wedding to the cold formality of the articles of law, which are read during the communal wedding.

If you want to amaze, but most importantly move your guests and highlight the most important day of your life, with something truly out of the ordinary, enrich your wedding with a symbolic rite. That will not only cloak your wedding in evocative charm, but also help make it unforgettable.

Symbolic rituals and lay weddings: 5 ideas to personalize your wedding

If you are a romantic soul, you will not want to give up the idea of making your civil wedding romantic and moving.

Here, then, are some ideas for sealing your Yes while sharing with your partner the solemnity of a unique and unrepeatable moment.

Handfasting ritual

If you and your partner are fans of the TV series "Game of Thrones," you will have already understood what this is all about: in that fictional world, everyone got married this way! What not everyone knows is that the scriptwriters didn't invent a damn thing, they just took up a very ancient Irish ritual of tying the hands of the bride and groom with a ribbon to symbolize the union that took place. Simple, but sure to have an emotional impact!

Candle Rite

Also known as the Rite of Light, this ritual involves each of the bride and groom holding a small, lit candle in their hands and approaching a third, larger candle, lighting it. The symbolism is clear: the two smaller candles are the lives of the bride and groom, and the large one represents the unity of the couple.

Ring Warming Rite

Your wedding rings will be needed for this ceremony, but not to do what you think. At least, not right away. There will be time to exchange them and swear eternal love. First, however, the rings will have to be passed from hand to hand, from one guest to the next, so that each of them can pass on their warmth, a symbol of affection and blessing.

Sand Rite

Of all the rituals, this is the one that best conveys the idea of eternal union. Each of the bride and groom will receive a glass jar, containing colored sand. The colors of the grains of sand will have to be different, so that when pouring them into a larger, obviously transparent container, they can mix with each other, resulting in a new, totally different color. In short, two lives, but one, new existence. Moreover, the grains of sand, once mixed, can no longer be separated. What better wish for your secular wedding?

Rite of the Rose

If you then want something less flashy, but just as symbolic, you can always think about exchanging a red rose: a symbol of fidelity and passion, you can give it to your partner in the inevitable moments of crisis, to remind you of your love and how much you have invested in your union.

So, stop worrying about your civil wedding and go ahead and choose the symbolic rite that represents you the most: your wedding will be exciting and poetic, just the way you want it to be.

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and i am a



In addition to being a wedding photographer, I am a husband (lucky!) and a dad (super lucky!).

I love happy tail wags and purring in the evening twilight, which is why we also have two beautiful furries in our family, Octavia and Nova.
I love the smell of the woods where everything is so wild, where you can reconnect deeply with nature. In the same way, I love the only means that allows you to stay firmly connected to the world around you, the motorbike.

My wife Giulia and I travelled across Europe to the North Cape, where we left a piece of our hearts.


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