Winter Wedding: why not?

winter wedding why not

When you announced that you would say Yes in the middle of winter, everyone looked at you puzzled and amazed. When you think of a wedding reception, you always imagine it outdoors, facilitated by the mild temperatures of late spring. Yet the winter wedding, in addition to offering undeniable economic advantages, provides an undeniable touch of sophistication.

If you decide to get married in December, moreover, you can take advantage of the warm Christmas atmosphere to blend the magic of your union with the typical Christmas colors and lights. Can you imagine a more cozy location than a festively decorated hall lit by hundreds of lights and candles?

The winter wedding pays off!

Perhaps it may seem out of place to think about your wallet as you plan your wedding, but think of it this way: by saving on the cost of the venue, which is obviously lower considering the season, you can find yourself with a decent nest egg to spend on your wedding dress, wedding favors, arrangements and, why not, your honeymoon.

If your dream has always been to get married in a princely gown, this is your chance: you can choose a lavish and elaborate gown, embellished with elegant train capes, hoods, stoles and finely decorated shrugs. And if you want to shine like a star, this is your chance to enrich it with a cascade of Swarovski crystals, which will help make you a real princess.

Winter Wedding Colors

Contrary to spring wedding trends, which favor soft pastel colors, for your Winter Wedding you can unleash all your creativity. If you are saying your Yes during the Christmas season, green light to gold and red, which can also make an appearance in the mise en place, in the form of runners, candles and place cards.

If, on the other hand, you prefer something more discreet, don't worry: you can call on cold colors, which recall the frost of the season, veering without delay toward blue, white and silver. Nuances that will match perfectly with typical winter wedding placeholders, such as pinecones, Christmas balls and poinsettias.

What menu for a winter wedding?

Forget cold and light dishes. For your Winter Wedding you can finally indulge in soups, velvety and refined soups, not to mention risottos, which are always a big hit.

For the main courses, on the other hand, you'll have plenty of choice: braised meats, stews, roasts, game and venison will be able to find a place of honor among seasonal side dishes and fried foods. All of this, enhanced by toasted bread, served with butter, according to the dictates of French cuisine.

And before kicking off the dancing, treat your guests to the richest dessert buffet ever, with plenty of hot chocolate and a selection of red wines, passiti and sweet sparkling wines.

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A wedding reportage is the story of a day that will last a lifetime.



and i am a



In addition to being a wedding photographer, I am a husband (lucky!) and a dad (super lucky!).

I love happy tail wags and purring in the evening twilight, which is why we also have two beautiful furries in our family, Octavia and Nova.
I love the smell of the woods where everything is so wild, where you can reconnect deeply with nature. In the same way, I love the only means that allows you to stay firmly connected to the world around you, the motorbike.

My wife Giulia and I travelled across Europe to the North Cape, where we left a piece of our hearts.


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